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What Is The Difference between Longkou Vermicelli And Regular Rice Noodles?

Views: 41     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-03-08      Origin: Site


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As a traditional Chinese food, Longkou vermicelli is popular for its unique taste and rich nutritional content. Compared with ordinary rice noodles, Longkou vermicelli shows unique charm in many aspects.

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Features and production process

Longkou vermicelli is a traditional Chinese food with a unique preparation process. It is usually made of high-quality mung bean starch and carefully processed through special techniques. During the production process, traditional techniques are strictly followed, making the vermicelli taste delicate and elastic, making people have endless aftertaste. In contrast, regular rice noodles are made from rice or other grain starches.

Taste experience

The unique taste of Longkou vermicelli is one of its biggest features. The vermicelli has a smooth and refreshing taste, and has a certain degree of toughness. It is not easy to gelatin after cooking and keeps its shape intact, making the eating process more enjoyable. In comparison, ordinary rice noodles are thin in taste and lack the delicate touch of vermicelli.

Uses in cooking

Longkou vermicelli is widely used in cooking and can be used to make cold dishes, hot dishes, soups, etc. Ordinary rice noodles are usually used to make rice noodle porridge, rice noodle sausages, etc.

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Nutritional value comparison

Longkou vermicelli is not only outstanding in taste, but also has advantages in nutritional value. Longkou vermicelli is rich in nutrients such as starch and protein, and does not contain preservatives and other additives. It is a healthy and nutritious food choice. In comparison, ordinary rice noodles have relatively low nutritional value, and due to the addition of certain preservatives during the production process, they may have certain effects on health.

Longkou vermicelli suppliers and wholesale

If you have wholesale needs, Zhenxing Grain and Oil Supplier provides wholesale services for Longkou vermicelli. Please contact or lkzxfoods@126.comfor more information.

There are obvious differences between Longkou vermicelli and ordinary rice noodles in terms of production process, taste and nutritional value. Choosing the right ingredients according to your needs can add more deliciousness and nutrition to your table.

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Longkou Zhenxing CerealsOils Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.
Phone/Wechat: +86-15605355388


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